Terms and Conditions - Feudal Empires:
-This is a free game, I do not have any responsibility to provide you with 24 hour support, nor correct spelling, or anything else for that matter.

-Only one account per person... You can have many people log into your account and help manage units (using your username and password).
-NO offensive language, you will be banned if I, or any other administrator thinks what you are saying is offensive. However this IS the internet... If somone insults you, you can not hold us liable for that.
-Not reporting cheats is a bannable offence (cheats require some sort of hacking of the code or external support).
-Finding an exploit and using it is not bannable, but will receive a possible award for reporting it first.

-Your email will never be sold. I hate spam, and will only send emails out when I feel it\'s necessary, game emails may be turned on if applicable.
-Please use a unique password, alot of people use the same password on different things, and if for some reason I get hacked, I do not hold any responsability of you loosing your password.
-Normal internet information transfers will probably happen, off of the top of my head, I plan on logging IP\'s, MAC\'s, and other personal browser information. I also plan on using cookies, flash objects, and more.

-You will be allowed to download the game, and files that go along with the game. This will be instated to help the server not be too heavy, nor take as long if you log in alot after clearing your internet cache.
-If there is anything that is infringing on copyrights, please contact me as soon as possible, so that I can fix it.

Future Modifications
-I hold the right to modify this, and if I do, then you can find the new copy here in this location. And you will still be bound by it, if you keep playing.